
Domažlice Brewery

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Intro of the project

The aim of the renovation of the cultural monument comprising the historic brewery in Domažlice was not only to preserve it for future generations, but also to adapt the building to current needs, in both technical (wheelchair access) and social terms. Another objective was to restore the city’s tradition of brewing beer, which dates back to 1341. The original brewery building from the end of the 19th century had already been mostly demolished in the period prior to the start of revitalisation. The unique smokestack was also taken down, leaving only the malt house, the new malt house and the kiln.

Through careful renovation, the original historical structures were rehabilitated and supplemented with elements of modern architecture. The renovated building now serves cultural and educational purposes, with a public library, community centre, gallery and a multipurpose hall with a stage, all of which is complemented by restaurant and gastronomy facilities including a tavern and microbrewery.

The City of Domažlice succeeded in obtaining four grants, namely from the Regional Operational Programme, Integrated Regional Operational Programme and the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme. The remainder was paid for out of the municipal budget and through the company Domažlické městské lesy, spol. s r. o.

The first stage cost the City of Domažlice CZK 27 million, of which CZK 12.2 million was financed with European Union subsidies. The investment costs of the second stage amounted to approximately CZK 140 million. The municipality anticipates a contribution of approximately CZK 37 million from three European subsidies; the remaining cost is being financed from the municipal budget (a loan was taken out at the end of the financing of the second stage of the renovation).

Basic info

  • Location
  • Investor
    City of Domažlice
  • Proposal
  • Investment costs
    Total: 167 000 000 Kč Donations: 49 200 000 Kč City resources: 117 800 000 Kč
  • Usage
  • Vision
  • Building permit
  • Start of implementation/construction
  • Opening



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